Our services are for those who expect the highest possible standards.
As a high-achieving doctor or surgeon you may have an intricate remuneration package and a complex mix of NHS and private pensions that require specialist care. We know your business.
You may take on NHS, private and academic work. You may want to phase your retirement at a pace that suits you or take the plunge on a set day. Your attitude to risk will vary from that of your colleagues.
Only a bespoke service will ensure your needs are met.
Too busy to act?
Most doctors will have scarce time for complex financial dealings after a long clinic and list. Keeping up-to-date with the latest government regulations regarding tax and pensions is unfeasible.
Trusting Cavendish to do the job will give you complete peace of mind that your money is working as hard as you. Your free time can then be just that.
You want to thrive
What is important to you in life? You will want to maintain your current lifestyle and make choices without financial concern.
When the time comes your finances should provide a modern fruits-of-your-labour retirement.

Take the first step.
Call us today on 020 7636 7006 or complete your details below.